November 17, 2055
Dear diary,
The place I am living in is getting worse. It seems like no one knows that we’re running out of materials. We’re running out products to make more supplies. There is more and more trash on the ground everyday. We need a wake up call! Not enough people are recycling! All the people that were leaders gave up. Our landfills are overfilled; we’re running out of resources to make more goods. Supply and demand are out of the roof. I wish I wasn’t 90 years old right now trying to make a difference. My time is up. I wish I had influenced more people to recycle when I had the chance. These days, no one listens to the old wrinkly women sitting in a wheel chair. I will always regret the chance I could of taken to make an impact on this world. So, for all you young people out there, make a difference while you can.
You only have so long.